Monday, December 2, 2013

TAR23, Recap Leg 10, 12/1/13

Welcome to Leg 10! Last time, on Sugar Cane Can Totally Fit in a Taxi, teams raced around Indonesia.  Ally and Ashley managed to get into first place at the beginning of the leg, but in a series of poor decisions moved them quickly to last.  Nicole didn’t know what an octave was, and tried to cheat off Leo.  And after all that, Ally and Ashley were eliminated.  Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

Arrival at the pit stop last episode:
1st – Leo/Jamal, The Afghanimals
2nd – Tim/Marie, Team Pinky and No Brain
3rd – Jason/Amy, Einstein YDC
4th – Nicole/Travis, The Power Parents

Bosscha Observatory, Lembang, Indonesia

7:25 AM Leo/Jamal (1st)
Clue: Make your way to Ciwangun Indah Camp and find the North Entrance.  Once there, make your way to the King Cobra House to “start the day with a hearty snack” by eating an Indonesian delicacy – grilled cobra. Finish your portions to get the next clue.  You have $27 for this leg of the race.

7:26 AM Tim/Marie (2nd)
7:40 AM Jason/Amy  (3rd) – who whine about not winning a leg yet.
7:42 AM Nicole/Travis (4th) – and we are told that Nicole was a medical student when Travis was a supervisor.

Teams arrive at the King Cobra House in the following order:

1- Leo/Jamal – Leo: “What if it’s snake?”  Jamal: “They don’t eat snakes here!”
2- Jason/Amy
3- Nicole/Travis
4- Tim/Marie – who go to the South Entrance, and wander about to waste time.  (Toyouke: “Tim and Marie sure do waste time when they're in the wrong spot. I mean, it's not just them getting lost, it's the amount of time they waste wandering around when they are lost.”)

Teams eat the cobra and then get their clues in the following order:

1- Leo/Jamal
2- Jason/Amy
– Jason: “The skin tasted snakish.”
3- Nicole/Travis
4- Tim/Marie

Teams are now instructed to make their way to the entrance of Kawah Domas crater to get their next clue.  They get to the crater entrance in following order:

1- Leo/Jamal  
2- Nicole/Travis
3- Jason/Amy
4- Tim/Marie

And teams get the eleventh roadblock clue.


Who’s feeling Hard-Boiled?

In this roadblock, roadblockers must take sixty eggs and travel 8 minutes by motorbike to a volcanic spring and hard boil a dozen eggs.  Once the eggs are returned and verified as hard boiled, teams get their next clue.  Marie must perform this roadblock.

The following teammates take the Roadblock:

1- Jamal
2- Travis
3- Jason
4- Marie

After much hard boiling of eggs, teams complete the Roadblock in the following order:

1- Jason/Amy
2- Nicole/Travis
3- Leo/Jamal
4- Tim/Marie

Teams are now instructed to travel to the Kawah Ratu crater of Tangkuban Perahu to get their next clue.  They arrive in the following order:

1- Jason/Amy
2- Nicole/Travis
3- Leo/Jamal
4- Tim/Marie

And we get the Detour Clue.

Paint Your Partner OR Turn Over a New Leaf
*Paint Your Partner: Teams travel to Gracia Spa Graha Ciater and make up each other as an Indonesian bride without a mirror.  Once complete to the satisfaction of a beautician, the teams will get their next clue.
*Turn Over a New Leaf:  Teams travel to Ciater Tea Plantation, dress in worker clothing and search the tea fields for a marked pair of shears.  Once the teams hand the shears to the foreman, they get their next clue.

(Toyouke: “This is a tricky Detour but no way do I think Swedish Roulette is a good idea.”)

1- Jason/Amy choose Paint Your Partner
2- Nicole/Travis choose Paint Your Partner
3- Leo/Jamal choose Turn Over a New Leaf
– but fall prey to the Amazing Cameramen when they participate in Indonesian Roulette and lose badly.  They decide after an hour or so to Bald Snark to Paint Your Partner, but when they get there, the realize they don’t really know how to put on make-up.  The real straw to break the camel’s back, however, was the fact that the boys would have to SHAVE first.  So they Double Bald Snark back to the tea fields.
4- Tim/Marie choose Paint Your Partner

Teams complete the detour in the following order:

1- Jason/Amy
2- Tim/Marie  
3- Nicole/Travis
4- Leo/Jamal

Teams find now that they must make their way down 500 steps to the base of Cimehi waterfall and the PIT STOP of the tenth leg of this racearoundtheworld.  The last team to arrive MAY be eliminated!

1- Jason/Amy – who win their first leg and a trip for two to Cancun.
2- Tim/Marie
3- Nicole/Travis
4- Leo/Jamal

And Leo and Jamal find out that they are the last team to arrive on the final non-elimination leg, and will have to complete a Speed Bump on the next leg of the race.

1st – Jason/Amy  
2nd – Tim/Marie
3rd – Nicole/Travis
4th – Leo/Jamal

Next week: Japanese game shows and building robots!
  Until next time!

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