Monday, November 11, 2013

TAR23, Recap Leg 7, 11/10/13

Welcome to Leg 7! Last time, on We’d Never U-Turn Brandon and Adam, teams raced from Poland to Austria.  The Afghanimals lied about their actions.  Jason and Amy take a risk to do a Fast Forward, are unable to complete it, and then have their cab taken by Tim and Marie.  Nicole and Travis place first.  Tim and Danny can’t sing and are eliminated.  Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

Arrival at the pit stop last episode:
1st – Nicole/Travis, The Power Parents
2nd – Nicky/Kim, MLB Wives
3rd – Leo/Jamal, The Afghanimals
4th – Tim/Marie, Team Pinky and No Brain
5th – Jason/Amy, Einstein YDC
6th – Ally/Ashley, NHL Ice Girls

Gloriette, Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna, Austria

12:03 PM Nicole/Travis (1st)
Clue: Fly to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates!  Once there, make your way t o Sheikg Zayad Mosque to receive your next clue.

12:09 PM Nicky/Kim (2nd)
12:10 PM Leo/Jamal (3rd) – Jamal: “I’m coming home!”  (Toyouke: “Isn't "the motherland" Afghanistan? Dumbass.”)
12:23 PM Tim/Marie (4th)
12:28 PM Jason/Amy (5th)
1:00 PM Ally/Ashley (6th)

Teams travel to the airport in the following order:

1- Nicole/Travis
2- Nicky/Kim
3- Leo/Jamal  
 - who take a few moments to stop at an internet terminal to find a better flight.
4- Tim/Marie – Tim: “Men get over being mad at each other in ten minutes.”  (Toyouke: “Secretly Tim doesn't get over things in ten minutes and he's piled up everything Marie does to him, to be released in a torrent of hate sometime in the future. We can only hope to be witnesses.”)
5- Jason/Amy
6- Ally/Ashley

Teams find the ticket counters and get on the following flights:

Flight 1: Austrian Air, arrives 5:50 AM
1) Leo/Jamal

Flight 2: Air Berlin, arrives 6:00 AM
1) Nicole/Travis
2) Jason/Amy
3) Ally/Ashley
4) Nicky/Kim
5) Tim/Marie

The Amazing Red and Yellow lines now fly us to Abu Dhabi.  Teams arrive in the following order:

1- Leo/Jamal
2- Jason/Amy
3- Ally/Ashley   
4- Nicky/Kim 
5- Tim/Marie
6- Nicole/Travis

Teams make their way to the mosque and arrive in following order:

1- Leo/Jamal
2- Jason/Amy
3- Ally/Ashley   
4- Nicky/Kim 
5- Tim/Marie
6- Nicole/Travis

Teams are now instructed to make their way to Irani Souk.  They travel to the Irani Souk and get their clues in following order:

1- Leo/Jamal
2- Ally/Ashley
3- Jason/Amy   
4- Nicole/Travis 
5- Tim/Marie
6- Nicky/Kim

And we get the Detour Clue.

Sort It Out OR Sew It Up
*Sort It Out: Teams must travel to a date packing plant and search through piles of dates in order to arrange the correct ones on a decorative platter to get their next clue.
*Sew It Up: Teams travel to the seashore and assemble a fishing net in order to get their next clue.

1- Leo/Jamal choose Sort It Out – Jamal: “Marie is manhandling Tim – that’s hot!”  And then the Amazing Cameraman makes sure to show us all the dates they have overlooked.
2- Jason/Amy choose Sew It Up
3- Nicole/Travis choose Sew It Up
4- Ally/Ashley choose Sort It Out
5- Tim/Marie choose Sort It Out
6- Nicky/Kim choose Sort It Out

(Toyouke: “I want goat cheese-stuffed bacon-wrapped dates now.”)  Teams complete the detour in the following order:

1- Jason/Amy  
2- Leo/Jamal
3- Nicole/Travis 
4- Tim/Marie 
5- Ally/Ashley – Ally: “Speed dating is the worst!”
6- Nicky/Kim

Teams are now instructed to travel to Al Bandar Marina.  Once there, teams board a marked yacht to take them to Yas Marina, where they will get their next clue.

The teams arrive at Al Bandar Marina in the following order:

1- Leo/Jamal  
2- Jason/Amy
3- Nicole/Travis 
4- Ally/Ashley 
5- Tim/Marie
6- Nicky/Kim

Teams then choose yachts to sail across the marina:

Yacht 1
1) Leo/Jamal
2) Jason/Amy

Yacht 2
1) Nicole/Travis

Yacht 3
1) Ally/Ashley
2) Tim/Marie

Yacht 4
1) Nicky/Kim

Teams arrive at Yas Marina in the following order:

1- Leo/Jamal  
2- Jason/Amy
3- Nicole/Travis 
4- Tim/Marie   
5- Ally/Ashley 
6- Nicky/Kim

And once they arrive, teams get the eighth roadblock clue.


Who wants to drop in on a hot lap?

In this roadblock, roadblockers must perform a zip rappel and drop 200 feet to a racetrack.  Once there, team members get in a racecar and do a lap around the track in order to find the Grand Prix record holder and his time (Sebastien Vettel, 1:40.279).  Once the name and time are correct, teams get their next clue.

The following teammates take the Roadblock:

1- Leo
2- Jason
3- Travis
4- Ally
5- Marie
6- Kim

After much rappelling and racecar driving, teams complete the Roadblock in the following order:

1- Leo/Jamal  
2- Jason/Amy
3- Nicole/Travis 
4- Tim/Marie   
5- Ally/Ashley 
6- Nicky/Kim

Teams find now that they must travel to Champions Podium at the racetrack and the PIT STOP of the seventh leg of this racearoundtheworld.  The last team to arrive MAY be eliminated!

1- Leo/Jamal – who win a trip for two to Paris, France.  (Toyouke: “
So you're letting them go to Paris and harass French women? That's a great idea.”)
2- Jason/Amy
3- Nicole/Travis
4- Tim/Marie
5- Ally/Ashley
6- Nicky/Kim

And Nicky and Kim are . . . not eliminated!  This is the second of the three non-elimination legs of the race.  However, no mention of a Speed Bump. . .

1st – Leo/Jamal  
2nd – Jason/Amy
3rd – Nicole/Travis
4th – Tim/Marie
5th – Ally/Ashley
6th – Nicky/Kim

Next week: I don’t know. . . Double U-Turn, rapids, sand dunes. . .oh, and Marie is crazy.
  Until next time!

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