Monday, April 29, 2013

TAR22, Recap Leg 10, 4/28/13

Welcome to Leg 10! Last time, on Dude, Where’s My Luggage?,  teams raced from Switzerland to Berlin, Germany.  Bates lost his bag on the train, and then Anthony dropped a blinking letter, putting them in a dead heat for last place.  Max and Katie turned up the heat, propelling them into first place.  And Mona and Beth finished last, only to find the final nonelimination leg.  Who will be eliminated. . . next? (click for more)

Arrival at the pit stop last episode:
1st – Max/Katie, Team Honeymooners
2nd – Joey/Meghan, Team YouTube Cutegasm
3rd – Caroline/Jennifer, Team Nashville Stars
4th – Bates/Anthony, The Hockey Brothers
5th – Mona/Beth, "Typical" Soccer Moms

Kurfürstendamm, Joachimstalerplatz, Berlin, Germany

2:02 AM Max/Katie (1st)
Clue: Fly to Edinburgh, Scotland!  Once there, find the marked Ford Fiestas and drive yourself to Gosford House.  You have $1 for this leg of the race.  Caution: U-Turn Ahead! 

2:49 AM Joey/Meghan (2nd) 
3:44 AM Caroline/Jennifer (3rd)
4:20 AM Bates/Anthony (4th)
4:21 AM Mona/Beth (5th) 

Teams travel to the airport and arrive in the following order:

1- Joey/Meghan – who discover that airlines don’t open until 5 am.
2- Caroline/Jennifer 
3- Max/Katie – because they went to a computer and researched flights before they left the hotel.
4- Bates/Anthony 
5- Mona/Beth

Teams discover a number of flight options, including the flight that Max and Katie had already found on the internet.  Joey and Meghan are excited because they think they have the earliest flight.  At least on Lufthansa they do.  (Toyouke: “Meghan, maybe wait to gloat until you're away from the counter. Plus because you might get mechanical trouble. Or bunching.”)

Flight 1: via Brussels, arrives 10:40 AM
1) Max/Katie
2) Bates/Anthony
3) Caroline/Jennifer

Flight 2: via Frankfurt, arrive 2:00 PM
1) Joey/Meghan – (Toyouke: “SEE!?!?! Or, you might not look hard enough for flights and end up behind.”)
2) Mona/Beth

The Amazing Yellow and Navy Blue lines now make their way to Edinburgh.  Teams arrive in the following order:

1- Max/Katie
2- Bates/Anthony 
3- Caroline/Jennifer
4- Mona/Beth 
5- Joey/Meghan

Teams drive themselves to Gosford House.  Teams arrive in the following order:

1- Max/Katie
2- Bates/Anthony 
3- Caroline/Jennifer – who struggle with driving.  (Toyouke: “You need to take the parking brake off when you're NOT driving stick. Sigh.”)
4- Mona/Beth 
5- Joey/Meghan

And teams get the eleventh roadblock clue.


Who has the deep lungs and strong legs of a royal Scot?

In this roadblock, roadblockers must learn how to sustain a harmnic note on the bagpipes while walking around the atrium of Gosford House.  Once complete, the banfdleader will give them their next clue.  Mona and Meghan MUST take this roadblock.

The following teammates take the Roadblock:

1- Max – “I’m getting used to the skirt thing.”  (Kmanpat: “It’s called a kilt.”  Toyouke: “This whole monologue by Max about how to play bagpipes irritates me. I think it's because he's so smug and arrogant like now he's an expert in bagpipes because he had some guy give him advice for like 10 minutes. Shut up Max.”)
2- Bates
3- Caroline – who takes seven tries.
4- Mona
5- Meghan

After much bagpiping, teams finish the Roadblock in the following order:

1- Max/Katie
2- Bates/Anthony 
3- Caroline/Jennifer
4- Mona/Beth 
5- Joey/Meghan

Teams are now instructed to drive to Craigmillar Castle to search the fireplaces for their next clue.  Teams arrive in the following order:

1- Bates/Anthony
2- Max/Katie 
3- Caroline/Jennifer
4- Mona/Beth 
5- Joey/Meghan

And when they get there, we find that Mona and Beth have their Speed Bump.


A speed bump is a task that must be performed by the last place team on a non-elimination leg. Once they complete this task, they may return to the place where the speed bump occurred and continue the leg. In this speed bump, teams must travel to the Skittle Alley in town and play skittles in order to get a strike and then they can return and continue the leg.

(Toyouke: “Is that the first time the Speed Bump's been far away from the sign?”  Kmanpat: “No, but it doesn’t seem that far away.”  Toyouke: “Ugh, you have to make a strike? Why do you decide NOW to make the Speed Bump actually difficult? Why, after years and years of really stupid Speed Bumps?”)

Teams complete the Speed Bump in the following order:

1- Mona/Beth

After much skittling, they continue with the rest of the teams in getting the clue in the following order:

1- Bates/Anthony
2- Max/Katie 
3- Caroline/Jennifer
4- Joey/Meghan 
5- Mona/Beth

Teams now receive the Detour Clue.

Tasty Puddin’ OR Whisky Rollin’
*Tasty Puddin’: Teams make their way to Old Church Lane in Duddingston Village and find the Sheep Heid Inn.  Once there, teams will use ox intestine and sill it with organ meat, seasonings and oats to each prepare four servings of Haggis.  Teams then taste the haggis before getting their clue from Robert Burns.
*Whisky Rollin’: Teams make their way to Old Church Lane in Duddingston Village where they find eight barrels of whisky and roll them 200 yards up a cobblestone walkway to a festival.  Once all eight barrels are delivered, they will get their next clue.

(Toyouke: “Why is it that Phil described how to make haggis but didn't once say "haggis"?  And why is "Robert Burns" here? Is it just to be obnoxious? Because I can get behind that.”)

1- Bates/Anthony choose Whisky Rollin’ – (Toyouke: “Wow. I didn't think they could pick up the barrels. That was kind of hot, not gonna lie.”)
2- Max/Katie choose Tasty Puddin’
3- Caroline/Jennifer choose Tasty Puddin’ – Caroline: “I blew something hard all day, and now let’s just eat it.”
4- Mona/Beth choose Tasty Puddin’
5- Joey/Meghan choose Tasty Puddin’

Teams complete the detour in the following order:

1- Bates/Anthony
2- Max/Katie
3- Caroline/Jennifer 
4- Mona/Beth 
5- Joey/Meghan   

Teams are then instructed to make their way to Duddingston Kirk to get their next clue.  They arrive in the following order:

1- Bates/Anthony
2- Max/Katie
3- Caroline/Jennifer 
4- Mona/Beth 
5- Joey/Meghan   

When they arrive, teams find the U-Turn.


This is a Double U-Turn. Teams may choose to U-turn any team they wish (well, the team has to be behind them), but they may only use the U-Turn once during the race. If a team is U-turned, they must go back to the Detour choices and complete the Detour that they did not complete. This U-Turn is doubled, meaning two teams may U-Turn two other teams.

1-Bates/Anthony choose to U-Turn Joey/Meghan 
2- Max/Katie choose to U-Turn Mona/Beth
3- Caroline/Jennifer cannot U-Turn
4- Mona/Beth have been U-Turned and cannot U-Turn
5- Joey/Meghan have been U-Turned and cannot U-Turn

So now YouTube and Roller Derby have to go back and roll Whisky barrels.  However, Roller Derby seems to have a two barrel lead on YouTube.

Once they U-Turn (or are U-Turned) teams are instructed to drive themselves to Niddry Street South, the PIT STOP of the tenth leg of this racearoundtheworld.  The last team to arrive may be eliminated!

1- Max/Katie –who win $10000 each!
2- Bates/Anthony
3- Caroline/Jennifer
4- Mona/Beth
5- Joey/Meghan

And Joey and Meghan are eliminated.  Joey says the race helped him grow as a person.  I think not.

1st – Max/Katie
2nd – Bates/Anthony
3rd – Caroline/Jennifer
4th – Mona/Beth

Next week: Two legs!  Finale!  Trains!  Snorkeling!  Spray Paint!  Food!  Until next time!

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